June 29, 2022 Boytim takes command of 84th RADES Lt. Col. Douglas Boytim took command of the 84th Radar Evaluation Squadron from Lt. Col. Jesse Scott during a change of command ceremony at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, June 16.
April 19, 2022 VIRTUAL FLAG: Homeland Defense exercise sharpens skills, deters enemy aggression VIRTUAL FLAG 22-2: Homeland Defense exercise was successfully executed at the 705th Combat Training Squadron’s Distributed Mission Operation Center, or DMOC, located at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, and distributed locations around the world from March 28 – Apr. 1.
Oct. 21, 2021 CAP NRAT reduces Arizona plane crash search area from hundreds of square miles to 100 feet, one survivor Arizona emergency responders were able to quickly locate a small plane crash site in northern Arizona, thanks to the work of Civil Air Patrol’s volunteer National Radar Analysis Team, Sept. 23.