June 10, 2024 Air Force, Army symposium focuses on improving large-scale combat operations The 505th Command and Control Wing, Detachment 1, hosted the second annual Warfighter Air Component Symposium, or WACS, last month, at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
May 11, 2023 AOC FTU reopens for initial qualification training Undertaking the largest modernization of Air Operations Center initial qualification training in the history of the unit, the 505th Training Squadron has reopened its doors for students to attend training.
Dec. 9, 2022 Air Force supports Army integrated joint force Warfighter exercise, MCTP validates 3rd and 40th IDs readiness U.S. Air Force Airmen supported Warfighter exercise 23-2 enabling the U.S. Army’s Mission Command Training Program to validate the readiness of both the 3rd Infantry Division and 40th Infantry Division, and their respective subordinate units.
Sept. 8, 2022 Air Force delivers air component replication during final joint service Warfighter Exercise of FY22 The 505th Command and Control Wing supported the U.S. Army’s Mission Command Training Program in its fourth and final Army Warfighter Exercise of the fiscal year.
Oct. 27, 2021 AF supports historic Army Warfighter exercise, V Corps becomes America’s forward-deployed corps in Europe The 505th Command and Control Wing supported the U.S. Army’s Mission Command Training Program resulting in the validation of Victory Corps as a European Command allocated corps headquarters during the execution of Warfighter exercise 22-1 at Grafenwoehr, Germany, Sept. 27-Oct. 5.