Jan. 23, 2025 Air Force doctrine realigns to create a more lethal, resilient force The U.S. Air Force has released three doctrine publications to emphasize reoptimizing for Great Power Competition efforts: Air Force Doctrine Publication 3-0, Operations; AFDP 3-0.1, Command and Control; and AFDP 5-0, Planning.
Feb. 25, 2022 505th CCW 2021 Annual Award Winners The 505th Command and Control Wing, headquartered on Hurlburt Field, Florida, hosted their 2021 Annual Awards Ceremony virtually via Zoom on Feb. 25, 2022.
Feb. 17, 2022 Air Force to phase out 13O career field, strengthen all Airmen joint capabilities The Air Force continues to evolve its professional education and force structure to ensure all Airmen can apply operational concepts and contribute to Joint All-Domain Operations, versus limiting it to one core AFSC.
Jan. 19, 2022 CSAF addresses warfighters during WEPTAC 2022 at Nellis AFB WEPTAC brings together hundreds of warfighters from joint and allied combat air forces to discuss current issues and to develop solutions for the joint employment of forces.
April 26, 2021 Department of the Air Force creates two new barrier analysis working groups for LGBTQ, Indigenous Nation members The establishment of these two teams builds on the successes of the Department of the Air Force’s other teams and allows the Department of the Air Force to identify and address the issues impacting diversity and inclusion for Airmen and Guardians.
April 8, 2021 Air Force unveils new mission statement The Air Force released its new mission statement: To fly, fight, and win … airpower anytime, anywhere.
March 17, 2021 Air Force marks ongoing commitment to rated diversity with newly released strategy Air Force leaders officially released the service’s Rated Diversity Improvement Strategy March 17, marking the force’s ongoing commitment to attract, recruit, develop and retain a diverse rated corps.