505th Combat Training Squadron

The 505th Combat Training Squadron (CTS) located at Hurlburt, Field, Florida, reports to the 505th Combat Training Group at Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), Nevada. The 505 CTS is home to the BLUE FLAG exercise program, U.S. Air Force (AF) professional control force (PCF), and is the premier provider of operational-level training environment and scenario generation for command and control (C2) training. The squadron provides synthetic battle spaces utilizing models and simulation (M&S) tools to train Component – Numbered Air Force (C-NAF) commanders, Air Force Forces (AFFOR) staff, air operation centers (AOC). It replicates United States Air Force (USAF) operational and tactical level capabilities to other component, joint, Combatant Command (CCMD), and coalition training audiences to facilitate AF equities in realistic operational-level combat scenarios and training. Additionally, it provides a venue for combined tests and experimentation of M&S developments.


The 505 CTS is the premier provider of operational-level training environment and scenario generation through planning and execution in support of worldwide exercises, test, and experimentation, training the U.S. Air Force,  joint, and coalition air components in the execution and proper use of C2 of multi-domain operations.


BLUE FLAG (BF):  Exercise BF creates a realistic, operational level, multi-domain command and control decision environment utilizing high-fidelity constructive and virtual models in a simulated environment. BF exercises allow the development of innovative and full spectrum challenges for Command Air Force Forces (COMAFFOR) and Joint/Combined Force Air Component Commander (J/CFACC) staffs to exercise doctrinal processes in planning, executing, and conducting joint coordination at the theater level, while simultaneously reducing seams between operational, strategic, and tactical levels of war. Participants are given maximum flexibility in managing friendly forces' employment, thus allowing player actions to influence the battle outcome. Commander Air Combat Command (COMACC) EXPLAN72 directs the BLUE FLAG program, and the re-write is currently in staffing at ACC. 

Higher Headquarters (HHQ) Replication:  The sole AF ability to replicate the planning, products, coordination, and execution functions of a Joint Force Command (JFC) or Joint Task Force (JTF) headquarters during planning and execution of AF, CCMD, and Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) exercises. HHQ replication provides a realistic and doctrinally correct scenario, guidance, senior-level interaction, and documents in support of the operational level of war.

Professional Control Force (PCF):  The squadron's PCF provides full spectrum professional replication of tactical level AF and joint capabilities. The PCF replicates AF, joint, coalition, and "red" forces to provide realistic air, space, and cyber problem sets and tactical execution feedback to operational decision-makers.

AFFOR Replication:  AFFOR replication provides robust A-Staff representation or cross CCMD coordination in support of full theater operations to support AOC focused training, CCMD level events, or joint training requiring staff to staff coordination. 

AOC Replication:  AOC Replication provides a robust total force solution presenting AF fires and force projection capabilities in support of joint operational-level training; supporting the U.S. Marine Corps Large Scale Exercises (LSE/MEFEX), the U.S. Navy Fleet Synthetic Training (FST), and U.S. Army Warfighters (WFX).

Models and Simulation (M&S):  M&S supports the testing and improvements of current solutions while pushing for the development of next-generation capabilities, including 5th generation aircraft replication, hypersonics, and improved cross model effects recognition and integration.

Planning:  Recognized experts in planning, coordinating, and ensuring viable execution of events ranging in size from Department of Defense (DoD) to component level. The 505 CTS is constantly called upon by Joint Staff (JS) Joint Force Development (J7) and other components to support and advise large-scale exercise events.


The 505 CTS has approximately 13 enlisted Airmen, 13 officers, 79 civilians, and 36 contractors assigned.


The squadron traces its origins to the 505th Exercise Control Squadron activated on 15 November 1999 at Hurlburt Field, Florida, under the Air Force Command and Control Training and Innovation Group. When the Air Force Command and Control Training and Innovation Group was redesignated as the 505th Command and Control Wing (CCW) on 12 March 2004, the squadron was reassigned under the 505th Distributed Warfare Group. The 505th Exercise Control Squadron was redesignated as the 505th Combat Training Squadron on 18 December 2006. The 505th Combat Training Squadron was reassigned to the 505th Training Group on 1 June 2011 when the 505th Distributed Warfare Group inactivated.  The 505 CTS was reassigned to the 505th Combat Training Group on 1 August 2019.


For more information about the 505 CTS’ mission, contact the 505 CCW Public Affairs Advisor at 850-884-9476 or 505ccw.pa.publicaffairs@us.af.mil.

(Current as of May 2024)